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Employer Retirement and Group Benefits
Qualified Retirement Plans / 401(k)
By offering a great 401(k) plan, you’ll help your employees and yourself save for retirement. But giving employees this benefit does mean you, as a Trustee, will have extra responsibilities:
Plan Design and Setup
Document your plan, coordinate contributions with your payroll provider and custodian, and act as a fiduciary.
Enrollment and Education
Explain your plan to your employees, educate them on investment options, and give them timely notice of plan changes.
Administration and Recordkeeping
Deduct contributions from payroll and deposit them with the custodian. Make employer contributions, and keep track of transactions.
Compliance and Reporting
File IRS Form 5500 and complete compliance testing annually.
Investment Management and Monitoring
Choose a provider and a selection of investments. Ensure investments are chosen and maintained with the best interests of employees in mind.
The list of responsibilities is pretty long, which is where we come in. Allow Carillon Group to do a lot of the heavy lifting and take most (or all) of these responsibilities off your to-do list.
With decades of experience helping businesses with their retirement plans, high-touch and personalized service, and access to industry leading plan providers, we have a track record of success to rely on.
Group Insurance
Your employee benefits budget is usually one of your biggest operational expenses. Therefore, it is vital that you know exactly what you are paying for when partnering with a benefits broker.
A good benefits broker will:
Focus on a product’s price and the transaction
Manage benefits to a budget item
Provide product experience
Manage the relationship between supplier and customer.
We at Carillon Group do all the work of the broker, but go above and beyond. We strive to build relationships rather than simple transactions. We contact you multiple times throughout the year to check in and answer any questions you may have. All of your employees should feel comfortable reaching out to us with even the most basic questions. We can provide professional advice on the marketplace, including marketplace trends and changes in the legislative framework that might affect benefits. We are knowledgeable in and can promote wellness programs and health initiatives that might work to reduce claims costs.
We can help you reach your objectives, such as attracting and retaining the best employees through a tailor-made benefits plan.